Babuko is one of my favorites. the problem is actually that there is nothing really special about it. maybe just childhood memories. and , Ok, yes, sure, it is just delicious...
babuko is a Kurdish word. but the same dish has some other names such as sırın in turkish and zerbet in Armenian. this reminds me our little discussion with Stefanos at the Hungarian cafe about nationalism and food. food and music are the two that nationalism or any kind of otherness has to dissolve in and lose its meaning! and they all live happily ever after...
having said that, have I ever told you before how I envy of your trip? I'm sure you will come across so many stories and their story tellers...by the way, have you read Benjamin's piece on story telling? you'll love it! benjamin is just different!he also has some pieces on memory and recording! I think they would be quite interesting for you! ( yes, I'm nerd!--sometimes--maybe just a little bit more today than yesterday=)
and chicha and bogotá...I would do anything to be a part of this trip!pfpfpfpfppf!
any way..here's babuko....with my aunt's recipe:
2 cups of flour
1/2 table spoon salt
1/2 table spoon baking powder
as little water as it would help you to make a tough dough
make the dough and spread it in a tray and bake it.
make the dough and spread it in a tray and bake it.
for the sauce
3 cups of yogurt
1/4 table spoon salt
as much garlic as you want
a little water
mix them all!
and butter...as much as you want.
salted or unsalted.
melt it!
crumble the cake into medium pieces. pour the yogurt sauce. and then pour the very very hot melted butter ( you will hear the sizzling sound)!
bon appetite!
bon appetite!