We sailed from Kadıköy to Karaköy to see the exhibition of Tall ships ( http://www.tallshipsturkey.org/) on the coast. We: Önder, Defne, Zala and me-myself-I!After long sleep-dream-sleep of 13 hours (!!!), it was like a deep breath...In spite of the rush hour on th eboat, we were lucky enough to save seats in the open air part of the boat! and of course, Defne was the point of attention of the rest of the paasengers, with her super retro outfit and a fake rose bud that she hold all night!
Tall ship exhibition was just interesting and that's it. At some point we just could not help us to have fun with the giga-picture posters surrounding the exhibit space. This very picture is actually a kind of mirror-image of the real topogrpahy just across the sea:)))
Are not they funny?